Diversity and Inclusion

The Society for Hematopathology seeks to foster an inclusive, collaborative, professional environment open to interested members regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, socioeconomic status, or other attributes. Our unified interest in the biology, pathology, and pathogenesis of hematologic disease serves as a platform for the diverse perspectives of our members. To fulfill our Society’s commitment to diversity and inclusion our goals include:

  1. Recruiting, empowering, and engaging members from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  2. Involving members with diverse perspectives, talents, and experiences in leadership and committee roles.
  3. Fostering safe, open avenues for professional communication via annual meetings and workshops, courses, virtual lectures, and more.
  4. Providing resources for hematopathologists that are free of bias or discriminatory language.